Chapter 2: General Description

2.5 DWARF Expressions [Now Chapter 3]

2.6 Location Descriptions [Now Chapter 3]

2.5 Values and Locations [NEW]

A DWARF expression is evaluated in a context that determines whether its result is expected to be a value or a location. Expressions that are expected to produce a location are called “location descriptions.”

Values on the stack are typed, and can represent a value of any supported base type of the target machine, or of the generic type, which is an integral type that has the size of an address in the default address space on the target machine, and unspecified signedness.

The generic type is the same as the unspecified type used for stack operations defined in DWARF Version 4 and before.

Debugging information must provide consumers a way to find the location of program variables, determine the bounds of dynamic arrays and strings, and possibly to find the base address of a subroutine’s stack frame or the return address of a subroutine. Furthermore, to meet the needs of recent computer architectures and optimization techniques, debugging information must be able to describe the location of an object whose location changes over the object’s lifetime.

Information about the location of program objects is provided by location descriptions and location lists.

A location description is a DWARF expression yielding a single location. These are sufficient for describing the location of any object as long as its lifetime is either static or the same as the lexical block that owns it, excluding any prologue or epilogue ranges, and it does not move during its lifetime. As the value of an attribute, a location description is encoded using class locdesc.

A location list describes objects that have a limited lifetime or change their location during their lifetime. A location list is a list of location descriptions, each associated with a range of program counters. Location lists are described in Section 3.17. As the value of an attribute, a location list is encoded using class loclist (which serves as an index into a separate section containing location lists).

A location list may have overlapping PC ranges, and thus may yield more than one location. In these cases, the object value stored in each location must be the same (except for uninitialized/undefined parts of the value).

A location list that yields multiple locations can be used to describe objects that reside in more than one piece of storage at the same time. An object may have more than one location as a result of optimization. For example, a value that is only read may be promoted from memory to a register for some region of code, but later code may revert to reading the value from memory as the register may be used for other purposes. For the code region where the value is in a register, any change to the object value must be made in both the register and the memory so both regions of code will read the updated value.

When given multiple locations, a consumer can read the object’s value from any of those locations (since they all refer to storage that has the same value), but must write any changed value to all the locations.

DWARF can describe the location of program objects in several kinds of storage. The location identifies a specific bank of storage, and provides a (zero-based) bit offset relative to the start of that storage.

A storage bank is a linear stream of bits of finite size. The ordering of bits within a storage bank uses the bit numbering and direction conventions that are appropriate to the current language on the target architecture. An offset may not exceed the size (in bits) of the storage bank.

DWARF can describe five kinds of storage banks:

An implicit conversion between a memory location and a value may happen during the execution of any operation or when evaluation of the expression is completed. If a location is expected, but the result is a value, the value is implicitly treated as a memory address in the default address space, and converted to a memory location. If a value is expected, but the result is an addressable memory location in the default address space, the address is implicitly converted to a value of the generic type.

Chapter 3: DWARF Expressions

DWARF expressions describe how to compute a value or specify a location. They are expressed in terms of DWARF operations that operate on a stack of values. Each element on the stack may be either a value or a location.

A DWARF expression is encoded as a stream of operations, each consisting of an opcode followed by zero or more literal operands. The number of operands is implied by the opcode.

In addition to the general operations that are defined here, operations that are specific to location descriptions are defined in Section {locationdescriptions}.

The result of a DWARF expression is the value or location on the top of the stack after evaluating the operations.

Values on the stack are typed, and can represent a value of any supported base type of the target machine, or of the generic type, which is an integral type that has the size of an address on the target machine, and unspecified signedness.

The generic type is the same as the unspecified type used for stack operations defined in DWARF Version 4 and before.

2.5.1 3.1 DWARF Expression Evaluation Context

DWARF expressions and location descriptions (see Section {locationdescriptions}) are evaluated within a context provided by the debugger or other DWARF consumer. The context includes the following elements:

  1. Required result kind

    The kind of result required – either a location or a value – is determined by the DWARF construct where the expression is found.

    For example, DWARF attributes with exprval class require a value, and attributes with locdesc class require a location description (see Section {classesandforms}).

  2. Initial stack

    In most cases, the DWARF expression stack is empty at the start of expression evaluation. In certain circumstances, however, one or more values are pushed implicitly onto the stack before evaluation of the expression starts (e.g., DW_AT_data_member_location).

  3. Current compilation unit

    The current compilation unit is the compilation unit debugging information entry that contains the DWARF expression being evaluated.

    A current compilation unit is required for operations that reference debug information associated with the same compilation unit, including indicating if such references use the 32-bit or 64-bit DWARF format.

    For example, the DW_OP_constx and DW_OP_addrx operations require the address size, which is a property of the compilation unit.

    Note that this compilation unit might not be the same as the compilation unit determined from the loaded code object corresponding to the current program location. For example, the evaluation of the expression E associated with a DW_AT_location attribute of the debug information entry operand of the DW_OP_call<n> operations is evaluated with the compilation unit that contains E and not the one that contains the DW_OP_call<n> operation expression.

  4. Target architecture

    The target architecture is typically provided by the object file containing the DWARF information. It may also be refined by instruction set identifiers in the line number table.

    The target architecture is required for operations that specify architecture-specific entities.

    Architecture-specific entities include DWARF register identifiers, DWARF address space identifiers, the default address space, and the address space address sizes.

  5. Current thread

    Many programming environments support the concept of independent threads of execution, where the process and its address space are shared among the threads, but each thread has its own stack, program counter, and possibly its own block of memory for thread-local storage (TLS). These threads may be implemented in user-space or with kernel threads, or by a combination of the two.

    The current thread identifies a current thread of execution. When debugging a multi-threaded program, the current thread may be selected by a user command that focuses on a specific thread, or it may be selected automatically when the running thread stops at a breakpoint.

    If there is no current process (or an image of a process, as from a core file), there is no current thread.

    A current thread is required for the DW_OP_form_tls_address operation (see Section {stackoperations}) which provides access to thread-local storage.

  6. Current call frame

    The current call frame identifies an active invocation of a subprogram. It is identified by its address on the call stack (see Section {framebase}). The address is referred to as the frame base or the call frame address (CFA). The call frame information is used to determine the base addresses for the call frames of the current thread’s call stack (see Section {callframeinformation}).

    When debugging a running program or examining a core file, the current frame may be the topmost (most recently activated) frame (e.g., where a breakpoint has triggered), or may be selected by a user command to focus the view on a frame further down the call stack. The current frame provides a view of the state of the running process at a particular point in time.

    The current call frame (if there is one) must be an active call frame in the current call stack.

    A current call frame is required for operations that use the contents of registers (e.g., DW_OP_reg<n>) or frame-local storage (e.g., DW_OP_fbreg) so that the debugger can retrieve values from the selected view of the process state.

  7. Current lane

    On SIMD (Single-Instruction Multiple-Data Stream) and SIMT (Single-Instruction Multiple-Thread) architectures, fine-grained parallel execution can be achieved by dispatching a single instruction across multiple data streams (e.g., a vector or array). Some parallel programming models allow for the vectorization of loops using SIMD instructions. These parallel streams can be considered fine-grain threads of execution, or lanes, where all lanes typically share a common stack, program counter, and register file.

    In SIMT architectures, control flow may diverge through the use of predication, where each instruction executes only in certain lanes. Some SIMT architectures, however, provide separate stacks and register files for each lane, and the parallel streams of execution may instead be represented as threads (above).

    The current lane is a SIMD/SIMT lane identifier. This applies to source languages with scalar code that is vectorized by the compiler using a SIMD/SIMT execution model. These implementations map vectorized operations to SIMD/SIMT lanes of execution (see Section {lanesinsimdvectorization}). When debugging a SIMD/SIMT program, the current lane is typically selected by a user command that focuses on a specific lane.

    The current lane number must be consistent with the value of the DW_AT_num_lanes attribute of the subprogram corresponding to the current frame and program location. It is consistent if the lane number is greater than or equal to 0 and less than the, possibly default, value of the DW_AT_num_lanes attribute.

    If the current program is not using a SIMD/SIMT execution model, the current lane is always 0.

    A current lane is required for the DW_OP_push_lane operation (see Section {stackoperations}), which pushes the value of the current lane.

  8. Current program counter (PC)

    The current program counter (PC) identifies the current point of execution in the current call frame.

    The PC in each call frame is the address of the next instruction to be executed in that frame. For the top (most recent) frame on the call stack, this is where execution would resume; for frames lower on the stack, it is where the callee will return. The call frame information is used to obtain the value of the return address register to determine the PC of the other call frames (see Section {callframeinformation}).

    If there is no current frame, there is no current PC.

    The current PC is used during the evaluation of value lists and location lists to select from among multiple program location ranges.

    When evaluating value lists and location lists when no current PC is available, only default location descriptions value or location list entries may be used.

  9. Current object

    The current object is a data object described by a data object entry (see Section {dataobjectentries}) that is being inspected. When evaluating expressions that provide attribute values of a data object, the containing debugging information entry is the current object. When evaluating expressions that provide attribute values for a type (e.g., DW_AT_data_location for a DW_TAG_member), the current object is the data object entry (if there is one) that referred to the type entry (e.g., via DW_AT_type).

    A current object is required for the DW_OP_push_object_address (see Section {stackoperations}) operation and is implicitly defined by some attributes (e.g., DW_AT_data_member_location and DW_AT_use_location) where the object’s location is provided as part of the initial stack.

A DWARF expression for a location description may be able to be evaluated without a thread, call frame, lane, program counter, or architecture context element. For example, the location of a global variable may be able to be evaluated without such context, while the location of local variables in a stack frame cannot be evaluated without additional context.

2.5.2 General Operations [REMOVED]

Each general operation represents a postfix operation on a simple stack machine. Each element of the stack has a type and a value, and can represent a value of any supported base type of the target machine. Instead of a base type, elements can have a generic type, which is an integral type that has the size of an address on the target machine and unspecified signedness. The value on the top of the stack after “executing” the DWARF expression is taken to be the result (the address of the object, the value of the array bound, the length of a dynamic string, the desired value itself, and so on).

The generic type is the same as the unspecified type used for stack operations defined in DWARF Version 4 and before. 3.2 Stack Operations

The following operations manipulate the DWARF stack, and may operate on both values and locations. Operations that index the stack assume that the top of the stack (most recently added entry) has index 0.

Each entry on the stack has an associated type is either a value (with an associated type) or a location.

  1. DW_OP_dup
    The DW_OP_dup operation duplicates the value (including its type identifier) entry at the top of the stack.

  2. DW_OP_drop
    The DW_OP_drop operation pops the value (including its type identifier)entry at the top of the stack.

  3. DW_OP_pick
    The single operand of the DW_OP_pick operation provides a 1-byte index. A copy of the stack entry (including its type identifier) with the specified index (0 through 255, inclusive) is pushed onto the stack.

  4. DW_OP_over
    The DW_OP_over operation duplicates the entry currently second in the stack at the top of the stack. This is equivalent to a DW_OP_pick operation, with index 1.

  5. DW_OP_swap
    The DW_OP_swap operation swaps the top two stack entries. The entry at the top of the stack (including its type identifier) becomes the second stack entry, and the second entry (including its type identifier) becomes the top of the stack.

  6. DW_OP_rot
    The DW_OP_rot operation rotates the first three stack entries. The entry at the top of the stack (including its type identifier) becomes the third stack entry, the second entry (including its type identifier) becomes the top of the stack, and the third entry (including its type identifier) becomes the second entry.

  7. DW_OP_deref
    The DW_OP_deref operation pops the top stack entry and treats it as an address. The popped value must have an integral type. The value retrieved from that address is pushed, and has the generic type. The size of the data retrieved from the dereferenced address is the size of an address on the target machine.
    The DW_OP_deref operation pops a location L from the top of the stack. The first S bits, where S is the size (in bits) of an address on the target machine, are retrieved from the location L and pushed onto the stack as a value of the generic type.

  8. DW_OP_deref_size
    The DW_OP_deref_size operation behaves like the DW_OP_deref operation: it pops the top stack entry and treats it as an address. The popped value must have an integral type. The value retrieved from that address is pushed, and has the generic type. In the DW_OP_deref_size operation, however, the size in bytes of the data retrieved from the dereferenced address is specified by the single operand. This operand is a 1-byte unsigned integral constant whose value may not be larger than the size of the generic type. The data retrieved is zero extended to the size of an address on the target machine before being pushed onto the expression stack.
    The DW_OP_deref_size takes a single 1-byte unsigned integral operand that specifies the size S, in bytes, of the value to be retrieved. The size S must be no larger than the size of the generic type. The operation behaves like the DW_OP_deref operation: it pops a location L from the stack. The first S bytes are retrieved from the location L, zero extended to the size of the generic type, and pushed onto the stack as a value of the generic type.

  9. DW_OP_deref_type
    The DW_OP_deref_type operation behaves like the DW_OP_deref_size operation: it pops the top stack entry and treats it as an address. The popped value must have an integral type. The value retrieved from that address is pushed together with a type identifier. In the DW_OP_deref_type operation, the size in bytes of the data retrieved from the dereferenced address is specified by the first operand. This operand is a 1-byte unsigned integral constant whose value which is the same as the size of the base type referenced by the second operand. The second operand is an unsigned LEB128 integer that represents the offset of a debugging information entry in the current compilation unit, which must be a DW_TAG_base_type entry that provides the type of the data pushed.
    The DW_OP_deref_type operation takes two operands. The first operand is a 1-byte unsigned integer that specifies the size S (in bytes) of the type given by the second operand. The second operand is an unsigned LEB128 integer that represents the offset of a debugging information entry in the current compilation unit, which must be a DW_TAG_base_type entry that provides the type T of the value to be retrieved. The size S must be the same as the size of the base type represented by the second operand. This operation pops a location L from the stack. The first S bytes are retrieved from the location L and pushed onto the stack as a value of type T.

    While the size of the pushed value could be inferred from the base type definition, it is encoded explicitly into the operation so that the operation can be parsed easily without reference to the .debug_info section.

  10. DW_OP_xderef
    The DW_OP_xderef operation provides an extended dereference mechanism. The entry at the top of the stack is treated as an address. The second stack entry is treated as an “address space identifier” for those architectures that support multiple address spaces. Both of these entries must have integral types identifiers. The top two stack elements are popped, and a data item is retrieved through an implementation-defined address calculation and pushed as the new stack top together with the generic type identifier. The size of the data retrieved from the dereferenced address is the size of the generic type.

  11. DW_OP_xderef_size
    The DW_OP_xderef_size operation behaves like the DW_OP_xderef operation. The entry at the top of the stack is treated as an address. The second stack entry is treated as an “address space identifier” for those architectures that support multiple address spaces. Both of these entries must have integral types identifiers. The top two stack elements are popped, and a data item is retrieved through an implementation-defined address calculation and pushed as the new stack top. In the DW_OP_xderef_size operation, however, the size in bytes of the data retrieved from the dereferenced address is specified by the single operand. This operand is a 1-byte unsigned integral constant whose value may not be larger than the size of an address on the target machine. The data retrieved is zero extended to the size of an address on the target machine before being pushed onto the expression stack together with the generic type identifier.

  12. DW_OP_xderef_type
    The DW_OP_xderef_type operation behaves like the DW_OP_xderef_size operation: it pops the top two stack entries, treats them as an address and an address space identifier, and pushes the value retrieved. In the DW_OP_xderef_type operation, the size in bytes of the data retrieved from the dereferenced address is specified by the first operand. This operand is a 1-byte unsigned integral constant whose value value which is the same as the size of the base type referenced by the second operand. The second operand is an unsigned LEB128 integer that represents the offset of a debugging information entry in the current compilation unit, which must be a DW_TAG_base_type entry that provides the type of the data pushed.

  13. DW_OP_push_lane
    The DW_OP_push_lane operation pushes a lane index value of the generic type, which provides the context of the lane in which the expression is being evaluated (see Section {dwarfexpressionevaluationcontext} and Section {lowlevelinformation}).

Examples illustrating many of these stack operations are found in Appendix {dwarfstackoperationexamples}. 3.3 Literal Encodings and Constant Operations

The following operations all push a value onto the DWARF stack. Operations other than DW_OP_const_type push a value with the generic type, and if the value of a constant in one of these operations is larger than can be stored in a single stack element, the value is truncated to the element size and the low-order bits are pushed on the stack.

  1. DW_OP_lit0, DW_OP_lit1, …, DW_OP_lit31
    The DW_OP_lit<n> operations encode the unsigned literal values from 0 through 31, inclusive.

  2. DW_OP_const1u, DW_OP_const2u, DW_OP_const4u, DW_OP_const8u
    The single operand of a DW_OP_const<n>u operation provides a 1, 2, 4, or 8-byte unsigned integer constant, respectively.

  3. DW_OP_const1s, DW_OP_const2s, DW_OP_const4s, DW_OP_const8s
    The single operand of a DW_OP_const<n>s operation provides a 1, 2, 4, or 8-byte signed integer constant, respectively.

  4. DW_OP_constu
    The single operand of the DW_OP_constu operation provides an unsigned LEB128 integer constant.

  5. DW_OP_consts
    The single operand of the DW_OP_consts operation provides a signed LEB128 integer constant.

  6. DW_OP_constx
    The DW_OP_constx operation has a single operand that encodes an unsigned LEB128 value, which is a zero-based index into the .debug_addr section, where a constant, the size of a machine address, is stored. This index is relative to the value of the DW_AT_addr_base attribute of the associated compilation unit.

    The DW_OP_constx operation is provided for constants that require link-time relocation but should not be interpreted by the consumer as a relocatable address (for example, offsets to thread-local storage).

  7. DW_OP_const_type
    The DW_OP_const_type operation takes three operands. The first operand is an unsigned LEB128 integer that represents the offset of a debugging information entry in the current compilation unit, which must be a DW_TAG_base_type entry that provides the type of the constant provided. The second operand is 1-byte unsigned integer that specifies the size of the constant value, which is the same as the size of the base type referenced by the first operand. The third operand is a sequence of bytes of the given size that is interpreted as a value of the referenced type.

    While the size of the constant can be inferred from the base type definition, it is encoded explicitly into the operation so that the operation can be parsed easily without reference to the .debug_info section. 3.4 Register Value Operations

The following operations push a value onto the stack that is either part or all of all or part of the contents of a register or the result of adding the contents of a register to a given signed offset onto the stack. DW_OP_regval_type pushes the contents of a register together with the given base type. DW_OP_regval_bits pushes the partial contents of a register together with the generic type. The other operations push the result of adding the contents of a register to a given signed offset together with the generic type.

  1. DW_OP_regval_type
    The DW_OP_regval_type operation pushes the contents of a given register interpreted as a value of a given type. The first operand is an unsigned LEB128 number, which identifies a register whose contents is to be pushed onto the stack. The second operand is an unsigned LEB128 number that represents the offset of a debugging information entry in the current compilation unit, which must be a DW_TAG_base_type entry that provides the type of the value contained in the specified register.

  2. DW_OP_regval_bits
    The DW_OP_regval_bits operation takes a single unsigned LEB128 integer operand, which gives the number of bits to read. This number must be smaller or equal to the bit size of the generic type. It pops the top two stack elements and interprets the top element as an unsigned bit offset from the least significant bit end and the other as a register number identifying the register from which to extract the value. If the extracted value is smaller than the size of the generic type, it is zero extended. 3.5 Arithmetic and Logical Operations

The following provide arithmetic and logical operations. Operands of an operation with two operands must have the same type, either the same base type or the generic type. The result of the operation which is pushed back has the same type as the type of the operand(s).

If the type of the operands is the generic type, except as otherwise specified, the arithmetic operations perform addressing arithmetic, that is, unsigned arithmetic that is performed modulo one plus the largest representable address.

Operations other than DW_OP_abs, DW_OP_div, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_mul, DW_OP_neg and DW_OP_plus require integral types of the operand (either integral base type or the generic type). Operations do not cause an exception on overflow.

  1. DW_OP_abs
    The DW_OP_abs operation pops the top stack entry, interprets it as a signed value and pushes its absolute value. If the absolute value cannot be represented, the result is undefined.

  2. DW_OP_and
    The DW_OP_and operation pops the top two stack values, performs a bitwise and operation on the two, and pushes the result.

  3. DW_OP_div
    The DW_OP_div operation pops the top two stack values, divides the former second entry by the former top of the stack using signed division, and pushes the result.

  4. DW_OP_minus
    The DW_OP_minus operation pops the top two stack values, subtracts the former top of the stack from the former second entry, and pushes the result.

  5. DW_OP_mod
    The DW_OP_mod operation pops the top two stack values and pushes the result of the calculation: former second stack entry modulo the former top of the stack.

  6. DW_OP_mul
    The DW_OP_mul operation pops the top two stack entries, multiplies them together, and pushes the result.

  7. DW_OP_neg
    The DW_OP_neg operation pops the top stack entry, interprets it as a signed value and pushes its negation. If the negation cannot be represented, the result is undefined.

  8. DW_OP_not
    The DW_OP_not operation pops the top stack entry, and pushes its bitwise complement.

  9. DW_OP_or
    The DW_OP_or operation pops the top two stack entries, performs a bitwise or operation on the two, and pushes the result.

  10. DW_OP_plus
    The DW_OP_plus operation pops the top two stack entries, adds them together, and pushes the result.

  11. DW_OP_plusuconst
    The DW_OP_plusuconst operation pops the top stack entry, adds it to the unsigned LEB128constant operand interpreted as the same type as the operand popped from the top of the stack and pushes the result.

    This operation is supplied specifically to be able to encode more field offsets in two bytes than can be done with “DW_OP_lit<n> DW_OP_plus”.

  12. DW_OP_shl
    The DW_OP_shl operation pops the top two stack entries, shifts the former second entry left (filling with zero bits) by the number of bits specified by the former top of the stack, and pushes the result.

  13. DW_OP_shr
    The DW_OP_shr operation pops the top two stack entries, shifts the former second entry right logically (filling with zero bits) by the number of bits specified by the former top of the stack, and pushes the result.

  14. DW_OP_shra
    The DW_OP_shra operation pops the top two stack entries, shifts the former second entry right arithmetically (divide the magnitude by 2, keep the same sign for the result) by the number of bits specified by the former top of the stack, and pushes the result.

  15. DW_OP_xor
    The DW_OP_xor operation pops the top two stack entries, performs a bitwise exclusive-or operation on the two, and pushes the result.

3.6 General Location Operations

The following operations can be used to push a location onto the stack:

  1. DW_OP_fbreg
    The DW_OP_fbreg operation provides a signed LEB128 byte offset from the address location specified by the location description in the DW_AT_frame_base attribute of the current function (see Section {dwarfexpressionevaluationcontext}).

    This is typically a stack pointer register plus or minus some offset.

  2. DW_OP_push_object_address [Rename to DW_OP_push_object_location?]
    The DW_OP_push_object_address operation pushes the address of the object currently being evaluated as part of evaluation of a user presented expression (see Section {dwarfexpressionevaluationcontext}). This object may correspond to an independent variable described by its own debugging information entry or it may be a component of an array, structure, or class whose address has been dynamically determined by an earlier step during user expression evaluation.

    The DW_OP_push_object_address operation pushes the location of the current object (see Section 3.1) onto the stack, as part of evaluation of a user presented expression.

    This object may correspond to an independent variable described by its own debugging information entry; or it may be a component of an array, structure, or class whose address has been dynamically determined by an earlier step during user expression evaluation.

    This operator provides explicit functionality (especially for arrays involving descriptors) that is analogous to the implicit push of the base address of a structure prior to evaluation of a DW_AT_data_member_location to access a data member of a structure. For an example, see Appendix D.2. 3.7 Memory Locations

A memory location represents the location of a piece or all of an object or other entity in memory. On architectures that support multiple address spaces, a memory location contains a component that identifies the address space.

In contexts that expect a location, a value of the generic type will be implicitly converted to a memory location in the default address space.

The following operations push memory locations onto the stack:

  1. DW_OP_addr
    The DW_OP_addr operation has a single operand that encodes a machine address and whose size is the size of an address on the target machine. The value of this operand is treated as an address in the default address space and the corresponding memory location is pushed onto the stack.

  2. DW_OP_addrx
    The DW_OP_addrx operation has a single operand that encodes an unsigned LEB128 value, which is a zero-based index into the .debug_addr section, where a machine address is stored. This index is relative to the value of the DW_AT_addr_base attribute of the associated compilation unit. The address obtained is treated as an address in the default address space and the corresponding memory location is pushed onto the stack.

  3. DW_OP_breg0, DW_OP_breg1, …, DW_OP_breg31
    The single operand of the DW_OP_breg<n> operations provides a signed LEB128 offset from the contents of the specified register byte offset. The contents of the specified register (0–31) are treated as a memory address in the default address space. The offset is added to the address obtained from the register and the resulting memory location is pushed onto the stack.

  4. DW_OP_bregx
    The DW_OP_bregx operation provides the sum of two values specified by its two operands. The first operand is a register number which is specified by an unsigned LEB128number. The second operand is a signed LEB128 offset.
    The DW_OP_bregx operation has two operands. The first operand is a register number which is specified by an unsigned LEB128 number. The second operand is a signed LEB128 byte offset. It is the same as DW_OP_breg<n> except it uses the register and offset provided by the operands.

  5. DW_OP_form_tls_address
    The DW_OP_form_tls_address operation pops a value from the stack, which must have an integral type identifier, translates this value into an address in the thread-local storage for the current thread (see Section {dwarfexpressionevaluationcontext}), and pushes the address onto the stack together with the generic type identifier as a memory location (which may be an address space other than the default). The meaning of the value on the top of the stack prior to this operation is defined by the run-time environment. If the run-time environment supports multiple thread-local storage blocks for a single thread, then the block corresponding to the executable or shared library containing this DWARF expression is used.

    Some implementations of C, C++, Fortran, and other languages, support a thread-local storage class. Variables with this storage class have distinct values and addresses in distinct threads, much as automatic variables have distinct values and addresses in each function invocation. Typically, there is a single block of storage containing all thread-local variables declared in the main executable, and a separate block for the variables declared in each shared library. Each thread-local variable can then be accessed in its block using an identifier. This identifier is typically an offset into the block and pushed onto the DWARF stack by one of the DW_OP_const<n><x> operations prior to the DW_OP_form_tls_address operation. Computing the address of the appropriate block can be complex (in some cases, the compiler emits a function call to do it), and difficult to describe using ordinary DWARF location descriptions. Instead of forcing complex thread-local storage calculations into the DWARF expressions, the DW_OP_form_tls_address allows the consumer to perform the computation based on the run-time environment.

  6. DW_OP_call_frame_cfa
    The DW_OP_call_frame_cfa operation pushes the value of the current call frame address (CFA), obtained from the Call Frame Information (see Section {dwarfexpressionevaluationcontext} and Section {callframeinformation}).

    Although the value of DW_AT_frame_base can be computed using other DWARF expression operators, in some cases this would require an extensive location list because the values of the registers used in computing the CFA change during a subroutine. If the Call Frame Information is present, then it already encodes such changes, and it is space efficient to reference that. 3.8 Register Locations

A register location description consists of a register name operation, which represents a piece or all of an object located in a given register.

Register location descriptions describe an object (or a piece of an object) that resides in a register, while the opcodes listed in Section {registervalues} are used to describe an object (or a piece of an object) that is located in memory at an address that is contained in a register (possibly offset by some constant). A register location description must stand alone as the entire description of an object or a piece of an object.

The following DWARF operations can be used to specify a register location.

Note that the register number represents a DWARF specific mapping of numbers onto the actual registers of a given architecture. The mapping should be chosen to gain optimal density and should be shared by all users of a given architecture. It is recommended that this mapping be defined by the ABI authoring committee for each architecture.

  1. DW_OP_reg0, DW_OP_reg1, …, DW_OP_reg31
    The DW_OP_reg<n> operations encode the names of up to 32 registers, numbered from 0 through 31, inclusive. The object addressed is in register n. A location is pushed on the stack for the register’s storage bank with an offset of 0.

  2. DW_OP_regx
    The DW_OP_regx operation has a single unsigned LEB128 literal operand that encodes the name of a register. A location is pushed on the stack for the register’s storage bank with an offset of 0.

These operations name a register location, not the contents of the register. To fetch the contents of a register, it is necessary to use one of the register based addressing operations, such as DW_OP_bregx (Section {memorylocations}, or a register value operation, such as DW_OP_regval (Section {registervalues}). 3.9 Undefined Locations

An empty location description consists of a DWARF expression containing no operations. It represents a piece or all of an object that is present in the source but not in the object code (perhaps due to optimization).

An undefined location represents a piece or all of an object that is present in the source but not in the object code (perhaps due to optimization).

  1. DW_OP_undefined
    The DW_OP_undefined operation pushes an undefined location with an offset of 0 onto the stack.

  2. A DWARF expression containing no operations or that leaves no elements on the stack also produces an undefined location. 3.10 Implicit Locations

An implicit location description represents a piece or all of an object which has no actual location but whose contents are nonetheless either known or known to be undefined known.

The following DWARF operations may be used to specify a value that has no location in the program but is a known constant or is computed from other locations and values in the program.

  1. DW_OP_implicit_value
    The DW_OP_implicit_value operation specifies an immediate value using two operands: an unsigned LEB128length, followed by a sequence of bytes of the given length that contain the value. A location is pushed on the stack for an implicit storage bank containing the byte sequence starting with the first byte at offset 0 and with an offset of 0.

  2. DW_OP_stack_value
    The DW_OP_stack_value operation specifies that the object does not exist in memory but its value is nonetheless known and is at the top of the DWARF expression stack. In this form of location description, the DWARF expression represents the actual value of the object, rather than its location. The DW_OP_stack_value operation terminates the expression. A location is pushed on the stack for an implicit storage bank containing the value represented using the encoding and byte order of the value’s type and with an offset of 0.

  3. DW_OP_implicit_pointer
    An optimizing compiler may eliminate a pointer, while still retaining the value that the pointer addressed. DW_OP_implicit_pointer allows a producer to describe this value.

    The DW_OP_implicit_pointer operation specifies that the object is a pointer that cannot be represented as a real pointer, even though the value it would point to can be described. In this form of location description, the DWARF expression refers to a debugging information entry that represents the actual value of the object to which the pointer would point. Thus, a consumer of the debug information would be able to show the value of the dereferenced pointer, even when it cannot show the value of the pointer itself.

    The DW_OP_implicit_pointer operation has two operands: a reference to a debugging information entry that describes the dereferenced object’s value, and a signed number that is treated as a byte offset from the start of that value. The first operand is a 4-byte unsigned value in the 32-bit DWARF format, or an 8-byte unsigned value in the 64-bit DWARF format (see Section {32bitand64bitdwarfformats}) that is used as the offset of a debugging information entry in the .debug_info section of the current executable or shared object file. The second operand is a signed LEB128 number. A location is pushed on the stack for an implicit storage bank with a size of an address in the default address space and with an offset of 0. If the contents of the storage bank are dereferenced, the result is the location L offset by B bytes.

    The debugging information entry referenced by a DW_OP_implicit_pointer operation is typically a DW_TAG_variable or DW_TAG_formal_parameter entry whose DW_AT_location attribute gives a second DWARF expression or a location list that describes the value of the object, but the referenced entry may be any entry that contains a DW_AT_location or DW_AT_const_value attribute (for example, DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure). By using the second DWARF expression, a consumer can reconstruct the value of the object when asked to dereference the pointer described by the original DWARF expression containing the DW_OP_implicit_pointer operation.

DWARF location descriptions are intended to yield the location of a value rather than the value itself. An optimizing compiler may perform a number of code transformations where it becomes impossible to give a location for a value, but it remains possible to describe the value itself. Section {registerlocationdescriptions} describes operators that can be used to describe the location of a value when that value exists in a register but not in memory. The operations in this section are used to describe values that exist neither in memory nor in a single register. 3.11 Composite Locations

The above kinds of locations are considered “simple” locations.

A composite location description describes an object or value which may be contained in part of a register or stored in more than one location. Each piece is described by a composition operation, which does not compute a value nor store any result on the DWARF stack. There may be one or more composition operations in a single composite location description.

A composite location description describes the location an object or value which may be contained in zero or more contiguous parts, where each specifies the location and size of the part. The composite’s storage bank size is the sum of the sizes of the parts. The location of each of the parts can be any kind of storage bank. For example, each part could be a piece of a different (or same) register, memory, implicit or undefined storage bank. A composite location is created by using one or more composite operations to add each of the pieces.

A series of such piece operations (DW_OP_piece or DW_OP_bit_piece) describes the parts of a value in memory address storage order. Each piece operation pops a location A from the stack and updates the composite location B in the preceding element of the stack by appending the new piece described by A.

Each composition operation is immediately preceded by a simple location description which describes the location where part of the resultant value is contained.

A composite location may be formed from several simple or composite location parts by the composition operations described in this section. Each part’s location describes the location of one piece of the object; each composition operation describes which part of the object is located there.

  1. DW_OP_composite
    The DW_OP_composite operator has no operands. It pushes a new, empty, composite location onto the stack, with an offset of 0.

    This operator is provided so that a new series of piece operations can be started to form a composite location when the state of the stack is unknown (e.g., following a DW_OP_call\* operation), or when a new composite is to be started (e.g., rather than add to a previous composite location on the stack).

  2. DW_OP_piece
    The DW_OP_piece operation takes a single operand, which is an unsigned LEB128 number. The number describes the size S, in bytes, of the piece of the object referenced by the preceding simple location description the location A on the top of the stack. If the piece is located in a register, but does not occupy the entire register, the placement of the piece within that register is defined by the ABI.

    Many compilers store a single variable in sets of registers, or store a variable partially in memory and partially in registers. DW_OP_piece provides a way of describing how large a part of a variable a particular DWARF location description refers to.

  3. DW_OP_bit_piece
    The DW_OP_bit_piece operation takes two operands. The first is an unsigned LEB128 number that gives the size S in bits of the piece. The second is an unsigned LEB128 number that gives the offset in bits from the location defined by the preceding DWARF location description the location A on the top of the stack.

    Interpretation of the offset depends on the location description. If the location description is empty an undefined location (see Section {undefinedlocations}), the DW_OP_bit_piece operation describes a piece consisting of the given number of bits whose values are undefined, and the offset is ignored. If the location is a memory address location (see Section {memorylocationdescriptions}), the DW_OP_bit_piece operation describes a sequence of bits relative to the location whose address is on the top of the DWARF stack using the bit numbering and direction conventions that are appropriate to the current language on the target system. In all other cases, the source of the piece is given by either a register location (see Section {registerlocationdescriptions}) or an implicit value description location (see Section {implicitlocationdescriptions}); the offset is from the least significant bit of the source value.

    DW_OP_bit_piece is used instead of DW_OP_piece when the piece to be assembled into a value or assigned to is not byte-sized or is not at the start of a register or addressable unit of memory.

    Whether or not a DW_OP_piece operation is equivalent to any DW_OP_bit_piece operation with an offset of 0 is ABI dependent.

A composition operation that follows an empty location description indicates that the piece is undefined, for example because it has been optimized away.

For compatibility with DWARF Version 5 and earlier, the following additional rules apply to piece operations:

3.12 Offset Operations [NEW]

In addition to the composite operations, locations may be modified by the following operations:

  1. DW_OP_offset
    DW_OP_offset pops two stack entries. The first (top of stack) must be an integral type value, which represents a byte displacement. The second must be a location. It forms an updated location by adding the given byte displacement to the offset component of the original location and pushes the updated location onto the stack.

  2. DW_OP_bit_offset
    DW_OP_bit_offset pops two stack entries. The first (top of stack) must be an integral type value, which represents a bit displacement. The second must be a location. It forms an updated location by adding the given bit displacement to the offset component of the original location and pushes the updated location onto the stack.

    A bit offset of n*8 is equivalent to a byte offset of n.

The resulting offset must be within range of the location’s storage bank. 3.13 Control Flow Operations

The following operations provide simple control of the flow of a DWARF expression.

  1. DW_OP_le, DW_OP_ge, DW_OP_eq, DW_OP_lt, DW_OP_gt, DW_OP_ne
    The six relational operators each:

    • pop the top two stack values, which have the same type, either the same base type or the generic type,

    • compare the operands:
      <former second entry> <relational operator> <former top entry>

    • push the constant value 1 onto the stack if the result of the operation is true or the constant value 0 if the result of the operation is false. The pushed value has the generic type.

    If the operands have the generic type, the comparisons are performed as signed operations.

  2. DW_OP_skip
    DW_OP_skip is an unconditional branch. Its single operand is a 2-byte signed integer constant. The 2-byte constant is the number of bytes of the DWARF expression to skip forward or backward from the current operation, beginning after the 2-byte constant.

  3. DW_OP_bra
    DW_OP_bra is a conditional branch. Its single operand is a 2-byte signed integer constant. This operation pops the top of stack. If the value popped is not the constant 0, the 2-byte constant operand is the number of bytes of the DWARF expression to skip forward or backward from the current operation, beginning after the 2-byte constant.

  4. DW_OP_call2, DW_OP_call4, DW_OP_call_ref
    DW_OP_call2, DW_OP_call4, and DW_OP_call_ref perform DWARF procedure calls during evaluation of a DWARF expression or location description. For DW_OP_call2 and DW_OP_call4, the operand is the 2- or 4-byte unsigned offset, respectively, of a debugging information entry in the current compilation unit. The DW_OP_call_ref operator has a single operand. In the 32-bit DWARF format, the operand is a 4-byte unsigned value; in the 64-bit DWARF format, it is an 8-byte unsigned value (see Section {32bitand64bitdwarfformats}). The operand is used as the offset of a debugging information entry in the .debug_info section of the current executable or shared object file.

    Operand interpretation of DW_OP_call2, DW_OP_call4 and DW_OP_call_ref is exactly like that for DW_FORM_ref2, DW_FORM_ref4 and DW_FORM_ref_addr, respectively (see Section {attributeencodings}).

    These operations transfer control of DWARF expression evaluation to the DW_AT_location attribute of the referenced debugging information entry. If there is no such attribute, then there is no effect. Execution of the DWARF expression of a DW_AT_location attribute may add to and/or remove from values on pop elements from the stack and/or push values or locations onto the stack. Execution returns to the point following the call when the end of the attribute is reached. Values and locations on the stack at the time of the call may be used as parameters by the called expression, and values elements (values or locations) left on the stack by the called expression may be used as return values by prior agreement between the calling and called expressions. 3.14 Type Conversions

The following operations provide for explicit type conversion.

  1. DW_OP_convert
    The DW_OP_convert operation pops the top stack entry, converts it to a different type, then pushes the result. It takes one operand, which is an unsigned LEB128 integer that represents the offset of a debugging information entry in the current compilation unit, or value 0 which represents the generic type. If the operand is non-zero, the referenced entry must be a DW_TAG_base_type entry that provides the type to which the value is converted.

  2. DW_OP_reinterpret
    The DW_OP_reinterpret operation pops the top stack entry, reinterprets the bits in its value as a value of a different type, then pushes the result. It takes one operand, which is an unsigned LEB128 integer that represents the offset of a debugging information entry in the current compilation unit, or value 0 which represents the generic type. If the operand is non-zero, the referenced entry must be a DW_TAG_base_type entry that provides the type to which the value is converted. The type of the operand and result type must have the same size in bits. 3.15 Special Operations

There are these special operations currently defined:

  1. DW_OP_nop
    The DW_OP_nop operation is a place holder. It has no effect on the location stack or any of its values.

  2. DW_OP_entry_value
    The DW_OP_entry_value operation pushes the value that an expression would have had, or a register location would have held, upon entering the current subprogram. It has two operands: an unsigned LEB128 length, followed by a block containing a DWARF expression or a register location description (see Section {registerlocationdescriptions}). The length operand specifies the length in bytes of the block. If the block contains a DWARF expression, the DWARF expression is evaluated as if it had been evaluated upon entering the current subprogram. The DWARF expression assumes no values are present on the DWARF stack initially and results in exactly one value being pushed on the DWARF stack when completed. If the block contains a register location description, DW_OP_entry_value pushes the value that register held upon entering the current subprogram.

    DW_OP_push_object_address is not meaningful inside of this DWARF operation.

    The register location description provides a more compact form for the case where the value was in a register on entry to the subprogram.

    The values needed to evaluate DW_OP_entry_value could be obtained in several ways. The consumer could suspend execution on entry to the subprogram, record values needed by DW_OP_entry_value expressions within the subprogram, and then continue; when evaluating DW_OP_entry_value, the consumer would use these recorded values rather than the current values. Or, when evaluating DW_OP_entry_value, the consumer could virtually unwind using the Call Frame Information (see Section {callframeinformation}) to recover register values that might have been clobbered since the subprogram entry point.

  3. DW_OP_extended
    The DW_OP_extended opcode encodes an extension operation. It has at least one operand: a ULEB128 constant identifying the extension operation. The remaining operands are defined by the extension opcode, which are named using a prefix of DW_OP_. The extension opcode 0 is reserved.

  4. DW_OP_user_extended
    The DW_OP_user_extended opcode encodes a producer extension operation. It has at least one operand: a ULEB128 constant identifying a producer extension operation. The remaining operands are defined by the producer extension. The producer extension opcode 0 is reserved and cannot be used by any producer extension.

    The DW_OP_user_extended encoding space can be understood to supplement the space defined by DW_OP_lo_user and DW_OP_hi_user that is allocated by the standard for the same purpose.

2.5.2 3.16 Value Lists

Value lists are used in place of DWARF expressions whenever the value of an object’s attribute can change during the lifetime of that object.

Value lists are contained in a separate object file section, along with location lists (see {locationlists}).

A value list is indicated by an attribute whose value is of class vallist (see Section {classesandforms}).

A value list consists of a series of value list entries. The representation of a value list is the same as for a location list (see {locationlists}), except that bounded location description and default location description entries are understood to provide DWARF expressions that produce values rather than location descriptions.

The DWARF expressions in value list entries, being expressions and not location descriptions, may not contain any of the DWARF operations described in Section {locationdescriptions}.

The address ranges defined by the bounded expressions of a value list may overlap. When they do, the meaning is undefined if the overlapping expressions do not produce the same value.

2.6.2 3.17 Location Lists

Location lists are used in place of as location descriptions whenever the object whose location is being described can change location during its lifetime. Location lists are contained in a separate object file section called .debug_loclists or .debug_loclists.dwo (for split DWARF object files).

A location list is indicated by a location or other an attribute whose value is of class loclist (see Section {classesandforms}).

This location list representation, the loclist class, and the related DW_AT_loclists_base attribute are new in DWARF Version 5. Together they eliminate most or all of the object language relocations previously needed for location lists.

A location list consists of a series of location list entries. Each location list entry is one of the following kinds:

A location list consists of a sequence of zero or more bounded location description or base address entries, optionally followed by a default location entry, and terminated by an end-of-list entry.

If there is no current PC (see Section {dwarfexpressionevaluationcontext}), only the default location list entry is used.

Each location list entry begins with a single byte identifying the kind of that entry, followed by zero or more operands depending on the kind.

In the descriptions that follow, these terms are used for operands:

The following entry kinds are defined for use in both split or non-split units:

  1. DW_LLE_end_of_list
    An end-of-list entry contains no further data.

    A series of this kind of entry may be used for padding or alignment purposes.

  2. DW_LLE_base_addressx
    This is a form of base address entry that has one unsigned LEB128 operand. The operand value is an address index (into the .debug_addr section) that indicates the applicable base address used by subsequent DW_LLE_offset_pair entries.

  3. DW_LLE_startx_endx
    This is a form of bounded location description entry (see page {bndlocdesc}) that has two unsigned LEB128 operands. The operand values are address indices (into the .debug_addr section). These indicate the starting and ending addresses, respectively, that define the address range for which this location is valid. These operands are followed by a counted location description.

  4. DW_LLE_startx_length
    This is a form of bounded location description entry (see page {bndlocdesc}) that has two unsigned LEB128 operands. The first value is an address index (into the .debug_addr section) that indicates the beginning of the address range over which the location is valid. The second value is the length of the range. These operands are followed by a counted location description.

  5. DW_LLE_offset_pair
    This is a form of {bounded location description} entry (see page {bndlocdesc}) that has two unsigned LEB128 operands. The values of these operands are the starting and ending offsets, respectively, relative to the applicable base address, that define the address range for which this location is valid. These operands are followed by a counted location description.

  6. DW_LLE_default_location
    The operand is a counted location description which defines where an object is located if no prior location description is valid.

  7. DW_LLE_include_loclistx
    This is a form of list inclusion, that has one unsigned LEB128 operand. The value is an index into the .debug_loclists section, interpreted the same way as the operand of DW_FORM_loclistx to find a target list of entries, which will be regarded as part of the current location list, up to the DW_LLE_end_of_list entry.

The following kinds of location list entries are defined for use only in non-split DWARF units:

  1. DW_LLE_base_address
    A base address entry has one target address operand. This address is used as the base address when interpreting offsets in subsequent location list entries of kind DW_LLE_offset_pair.

  2. DW_LLE_start_end
    This is a form of bounded location description entry (see page {bndlocdesc}) that has two target address operands. These indicate the starting and ending addresses, respectively, that define the address range for which the location is valid. These operands are followed by a counted location description.

  3. DW_LLE_start_length
    This is a form of bounded location description entry (see page {bndlocdesc}) that has one target address operand value and an unsigned LEB128 integer operand value. The address is the beginning address of the range over which the location description is valid, and the length is the number of bytes in that range. These operands are followed by a counted location description.

  4. DW_LLE_include_loclist
    This is a form of list inclusion, that has one offset operand. The value is an offset into the .debug_loclists section, like the operand of DW_FORM_sec_offset. The offset identifies the first entry of a location list whose entries are to be regarded as part of the current location list, up to the DW_LLE_end_of_list entry.

Chapter 56: Type Entries

6.7 Structure, Union, Class and Interface Type Entries

6.7.6 Data Member Entries

For a DW_AT_data_member_location attribute there are two cases:

  1. If the value is an integer constant, it is the offset in bytes from the beginning of the containing entity. If the beginning of the containing entity has a non-zero bit offset then the beginning of the member entry has that same bit offset as well.

  2. Otherwise, the value must be a location description. In this case, the beginning of the containing entity must be byte aligned. The beginning address location of the containing entity is pushed on the DWARF stack before the location description is evaluated; the result of the evaluation is the base address location of the member entry (see Section 2.5.1 on page 27).

    The push on the DWARF expression stack of the base address location of the containing construct is equivalent to execution of the DW_OP_push_object_address operation (see Section; DW_OP_push_object_address therefore is not needed at the beginning of a location description for a data member. The result of the evaluation is a location—either an address or the name of a register, not an offset to the member.

    A DW_AT_data_member_location attribute that has the form of a location description is not valid for a data member contained in an entity that is not byte aligned because DWARF operations do not allow for manipulating or computing bit offsets.

6.14 Pointer to Member Type Entries

The DW_AT_use_location description is used in conjunction with the location descriptions for a particular object of the given pointer to member type and for a particular structure or class instance. The DW_AT_use_location attribute expects two values to be pushed onto the DWARF expression stack before the DW_AT_use_location description is evaluated (see Section The first value pushed is the value of the pointer to member object itself. The second value pushed is the base address location of the entire structure or union instance containing the member whose address location is being calculated.

Chapter 67: Other Debugging Information

7.4 Call Frame Information

7.4.1 Structure of Call Frame Information

The register rules are:

The previous value of this register is located at the address location produced by executing the DWARF expression E (see Section 2.5 Chapter 3).